Happy Leap Day! 2016 is a leap year, where we add an extra day to the calendar every four years to compensate for the fact that it takes the Earth 365.25 days to completely orbit the sun. The leap day ensures that the calendar is in sync with the seasons of the planet.
Alignment is important in more than just calendars. When contract terms are not aligned with the intentions of a party to a transaction, legal disputes can arise. If a seller acts out of line with the terms of an accepted purchase contract, the deal can fall apart. A lender could underestimate the risk of a loan if their expectations about the law are not aligned with the opinion of the courts.
Real estate lawyers help to see if case law, contract terms, or marketing conditions are in alignment with a client’s interests, and can advise how to proceed forward. So this month, we focus on the theme of looking for alignment of interests before taking a “leap”:
- Simon Offord writes about key issues to consider in negotiating commercial property leases and sales
- Julia M. Wei discusses the evolving opinion that courts in California have regarding short sales and anti-deficiency statutes
- Henry Chuang highlights an important shift in wrongful foreclosure litigation
- Ashlee D. Adkins blogs about the options a buyer has if the seller refuses to close escrow
We hope you enjoy reading the February edition of our newsletter!