The San Francisco Bay Area is home to some of the most innovative people and companies in the world. Disrupting archaic systems and challenging preconceived notions lay at the heart of Silicon Valley culture. The on-going desire to pursue the “next big thing” fuels job creation and business growth, which impacts residential and commercial real estate developments. For homeowners, investors, and real estate professionals, it is essential to plan for growth and to make advancements toward new horizons.
In this month’s edition of our real estate law newsletter, we focus on the theme of stretching to reach new horizons. You will read about how Peter Brewer recently extended the reach of his practice by being sworn in to practice law in the highest Court in the land. Simon Offord writes about how new and emerging technologies like Pokémon Go can impact real estate disclosures. Finally, Henry Chuang and Julia M. Wei provide important insights about emerging topics in lending law, such as new liens for solar panels and new implications after Yvanova.
Highlights in this month’s issue:
–Read about Peter Brewer’s recent admission to practice in front of the United States Supreme Court
–Learn about Pokémon Go, and the potential implications of geo-cached locations on home disclosures
–Hear the rebroadcast of Simon Offord’s July appearance on the Real Estate Experts segment of the Brian Copeland Radio Show
–Check out recent blog articles published by Henry Chuang and Julia M. Wei
–Catch up on recent updates from the firm, including photos, radio shows, articles, and more
We hope you enjoy reading the July edition of our newsletter!